Welcome to the most trusted, reliable & referred Leak company in NJ / Tri-state area
FSC Leak Detection, Locating & Repair
Areas of Expertise
✔ Underground Pressure Fire Lines and Domestic Water Systems
✔ Non-invasive, Computerized Leak Detection & Locating
✔ Leak Audits / Full Water System Surveys / 24-hr Monitoring
✔ Emergency Response
✔ Leak Repair
✔ Emergency Shutdown Pre-planning
✔ Irrigation Projects
✔ Trench Excavating, Shoring, Dewatering & Paving
✔ Parking Lot Repair
Headquartered in New Jersey, FSC Leak Detection specializes in providing computerized, NON-INVASIVE LEAK DETECTION, MONITORING & REPAIR and LARGE SYSTEM WATER SURVEYS for some of the most progressive commercial businesses, utility and municipal organizations in the tri-state area and across the U.S. If you represent a municipality, commercial or government agency that requires reliable water distribution systems to function properly, call us for a free consultation. Being more aware of water resources can save tens of thousands of dollars by reducing waste. We love helping our towns and neighborhoods find nonrevenue water loss and save millions of dollars annually in wasted water. Whether you are a township, facility manager, commercial building owner, hotel or other stakeholder, you can benefit from any of our computerized, non-invasive water leak locating, monitoring and emergency pre-planning services. PARTNER WITH US TODAY
FSC has decades of experience in excavating and underground utility pipe installations, broad industry expertise, a deep, comprehensive understanding of underground water systems, and the ability to provide immediate repairs in emergency situations. Licensed and insured, we provide the most comprehensive leak detection reporting data available to keep our customers operating effectively, efficiently and safely. Trusted by utilities, businesses and communities in the tri-state area and across the country, FSC Leak Detection Specialists or more commonly referred to as “THE LEAK MAN,” has been family owned and operated for over 30 years. READ MORE
“You will always find an answer in the sound of water.”
Certifications & Bonds
➤ Certified OSHA qualified & Compliant
➤ $10 Million Bonding Affidavit
➤ Engineering & Insurance certificates
➤ Contractor Certification #13VH00710900
➤ Certified Installer of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems – Advanced Level
90% of new clients come from referrals
We think that says a lot.
Free estimates & Appointments
For projects big or small and EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN PRE-PLANNING
805 Preakness Ave. Wayne, New Jersey 07470
On call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week & 365 days a year.
✔ leak detection
✔ leak repair
✔ leak audits
✔ Fire compression Systems
Water System & Leak Audits
✔ Full Water system Surveys & leak audits
✔ Reportable data
✔ 24/7 computerized system monitoring
✔ Irrigation projects
✔ leak detection
✔ leak repair
✔ pipelines / Water Mains INstalled
✔ leak audits
✔ Fire compression Systems
strategic consulting
✔ emergency shutdown pre-planning
✔ equipment Implementation training
✔ logger deployment & logger data monitoring network training
✔ program development & Ongoing support
Fire systems
✔ Leak detection
✔ Fire compression Systems
✔ underground pressure fire Systems
✔ Fire line locating
✔ Fire hydrant test & Flush
emergency response
✔ dependable, skilled 24/7 response team
✔ Full line of fleet equipment on hand
✔ around the clock service to completion
✔ Protects infrastructure
Did you know?
Underground pipes range from 60-130 years old. It’s estimated that 6 trillion gallons of water, wastewater, and storm water are lost to faulty, aging, or leaky pipes each year.
Monitoring for leaks is the BEST way to prevent water loss and property damage.
Detect small leaks before they become BIG problems.
Time is of the essence when it comes to aging infrastructure - Take the guess work out and call FSC.
Monitoring Works
Proactive vs Reactive
“We had no idea we had a leak. You found our leak and saved our pump, which helped us save THOUSANDS of dollars.”
We provide around the clock Emergency Service, equipped with everything we need in-house to quickly minimize damage, stop losses and find and fix problems. Customers rely on us for deep industry expertise, reputation, Consulting services, and realistic schedules that accommodate their business. We only work with the best people, the best materials available and provide exceptional service for projects large and small. Our finished work will always be to your complete satisfaction.
SEE a sampling of WORK
conservation. preservation. advocacy.
A good planet is hard to find

Missing water means more than missing revenue
We don’t just find it, we respect it. Leaking water means wasting precious resources. Adopting water efficiency for commercial and institutional facilities is easy.
FSC is a trusted partner in the tri-state area and across the US providing comprehensive water audits and site surveys that help identify hidden leaks, saving millions of gallons of water, and millions of dollars in lost revenue.
Saving water (and your money) ONE DROP AT A TIME
With its state-of-the-art leak detection monitoring technology, FSC is proud to do its part in helping to prevent millions of gallons of water loss, and millions of dollars in lost revenue for communities and businesses around the country. Water-efficient best management practices make more than dollar sense. Do your part to save water and save money. - GET A FREE QUOTE.
FSC has a long history promoting water conservation practices and causes that protect our environment and help our planet. We know that water conservation is key to a sustainable future.
Learn how you can incorporate plans to take action within your businesses, townships, communities and households:
Schedule regular leak monitoring - Partner with FSC for its non-invasive leak detection including, water audits and site surveys.
World Water Day · March 22 - Since 1993, this United Nations’ initiative dedicated March 22 as an annual day to observe and highlight the importance of water and and sustainable management practices.
Earth Day should be everyday - Visit Earth Day to learn about its global movement dedicated to building the world’s largest environmental movement to drive transformative change for people and planet.
United States Environmental Protection Agency - Visit the EPA to learn more about Water Resilience, Water Research and Infrastructure, and how the EPA is working to protect human health and the environment.