Commercial Fire Compression Systems Fire Supply Line Leak Locating & Repair
“We had no idea we had a leak. You found our leak and saved our pump, which helped us save THOUSANDS of dollars. ”
Is Your Fire Suppression System In Good Working Order?
✓ Underground Pressure Fire Suppression Systems
✓ Fire Supply Lines - Leak Locating
✓ Fire Hydrant Leak Inspections - Test & Flush Fire Hydrants
Consider this: Commercial fire systems - especially high pressure underground fire suppression systems are controlled by a jockey pump that maintains system pressure. Although each situation /system is different, let’s say within a system the jockey pump clicks on at 150psi and cuts out at 175psi. ONE SMALL LEAK in the system would have the jockey run every hour to maintain the pressure. When the leak gets bigger, the jockey cycles more often. When the jockey gets to cycling under 10 minutes or less, a lot of wear and tear is placed on the motor, which will likely burn out. If and when the jockey burns out, system pressure drops below 150psi, initiating the big pump to click on. This puts the system in alarm, causing the fire department to respond, and then the systems need to be reset, with a new pump to replace the one that just burned out. It costs thousands of dollars to replace the pump.
Monitoring for leaks works.
We find the leak, that saves the Jockey Pump, that saves you thousands of dollars, that saves the day.